Why We Really Hate “Back to School”

Unless you’re a kid, I guess the title of this post is a bit misleading. As adults, and especially as parents, I don’t suppose we can honestly say that we hate back-to-school (I mean, seriously, how many parents do you know who are complaining right now that their little darlings are going to be out of their hair and back to a semblance of structure next week??).  What we really hate, is what back-to-school represents: The end of the summer.  What we really hate, is the fact that we become inundated with back-to-school advertising in the middle of July when autumn still seems a million years away. It brings to the forefronts of our minds the imminent threat of cold weather, no more lakeside vacations and less time enjoying the carefree lifestyle that summer invokes.  back-to-school

No, we’re forced to get back into a strict routine, sunlit hours become limited and, well, there’s just an overall feeling of “melancholy” in the air as we come to realize that that’s it until next June.

We really hate the idea of back-to-school because the question on everybody’s minds these days is, “Where the hell did the summer go?”.  Remember when we were complaining about all the snow and cold – that never-ending winter? Is it just me, or does it feel like no time at all has passed since?  The warm weather, the sunshine and vacations from work are done for another year! And to boot, guess what the Farmer’s Almanac has in store for us in the coming months? Yep, you guessed it – a brutally cold and snowy winter.

And THAT’S why we really hate back to school.

Have a safe and happy long Labor Day weekend, Everyone!  And enjoy what’s left…

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